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Customer Acquisition

Targeted customer acquisition

We conduct automated site analysis for you based on your target market and create a custom, curated list of prospects for you, including preliminary project designs and pre-qualified financing.

Scalable project identification

BlueFlame quickly identifies the top opportunities for your clean energy business based on your specific set of criteria for projects. For a geographically targeted campaign, we can hyper-efficiently identify the top candidates for your products/services and instantly avoid wasting time on projects that turn out to be infeasible or unfinanceable. This allows your sales/origination team to jump start their efforts and increase conversion rates.

Sophisticated software solutions for quick savings calculations, financial quotes, & more.

We can calculate with market-leading accuracy the avoided utility cost as well as the net savings calculation including financing for hundreds of projects in just hours. This includes financing terms, preliminary system design, utility rate optimization & more.

Customer acquisition outreach materials customized for each opportunity

For each project, BlueFlame provides your team with high quality, highly personalized outreach materials to support all aspects of your customer acquistion process. This includes customizable project proposals with detailed savings & financial analyses, emails, direct mailers, brochures, and even contact information.

Customer acquisition support & consultant services

BlueFlame offers best-of-breed customer acquisition support and advicing for more hands-on origination assistance. We help you identify ideal geographical areas, sectors (i.e. schools, churches, hotels), and sales/marketing strategies for maximizing your origination success. Additionally, we can provide direct to customer outreach such as calling or emailing customers

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